Donate to MACA

Donations of any size are tax deductible and help to support our mission.

If you are an individual interested in donating, please do so here: Individual Donations to Michigan Alliance for Cultural Accessibility.

If you are with an institution or organization that is interested in donating on behalf of the institution/organization, please do so here: Institutional/Organizational Donations to Michigan Alliance for Cultural Accessibility

Your donation directly supports:

1. Multiple free professional development opportunities each year focused on accessibility-specific topics. Your donation covers everything from speaker fees to services that make these opportunities accessible, such as American Sign Language interpretation and captioning.

2. Expenses associated with the maintenance and growth of our website and other operating costs, like our PO box and Vimeo subscription (which makes it possible to share recordings of meetings and programs). Your donation assures that we have essential funds available for the upkeep of MACA!

3. Other activities that help maintain and grow an active network of professionals from cultural institutions who support each other’s efforts.

Thank you for considering making a donation to MACA!

15 people (14 females, one male) stand next to each other facing the camera